المواضيع الأخيرة | » رحلة الإنسان من بداية خلقه وتكوينه وحتى دخوله الجنة أو النار .الأحد يوليو 30, 2023 3:30 pm من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» عيد ُ الحُــــب / فالنتــاين !! .الثلاثاء فبراير 14, 2023 1:42 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» كيف تخشـــع في صلاتك ؟الإثنين يناير 16, 2023 3:37 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» ما هي كفارة تأخير قضاء رمضان بدون عذر ، وما مقدارها ونوعها ؟؟السبت نوفمبر 26, 2022 9:24 pm من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» أحكام الجمع والقصر في السفر والحضر والمطرالإثنين أبريل 05, 2021 12:25 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» عظم الكلمة عند الله عز وجل .....السبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:31 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» الإمامة في الصلاة . مهم جـداًالسبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:28 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» إن من الناس مفاتيح للخير مغاليق للشرّ ومنهم من يُهاب لله ومنهم إذا رؤوا ذُكر الله السبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:25 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» البيع المُحرّم في الإسلام . الجزء الأولالسبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:24 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» كفارة الغيبة والنميمة .السبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:23 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» حُكم الغناء والموسيقى والمعازف .السبت ديسمبر 26, 2020 2:22 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» رباه إنا طامعين بجنة - الشاعر : عطا سليمان رموني الخميس يناير 18, 2018 12:11 am من طرف الشاعر عطا سليمان رموني» رباه إنا طامعين بجنة - الشاعر : عطا سليمان رموني الأحد يناير 14, 2018 12:36 am من طرف الشاعر عطا سليمان رموني» مشروع وثيقــــة شـــرف عشائر الدوايمة”الثلاثاء ديسمبر 08, 2015 3:24 am من طرف نضال هديب» ادخل احصاء ابناء الدوايمة في الشتاتالإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2015 5:41 pm من طرف أدارة الدوايمة» الدوايمة ليست قبيله ولا عشيرةالإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2015 3:18 pm من طرف نضال هديب» الدوايمة ..أنا لاجىء من فلسطين في الداخل والشتات اوقع لا تنازل عن حقي بالعودة الإثنين نوفمبر 30, 2015 4:23 am من طرف نضال هديب» لإحياء المجزرة التي تعرضت لها قريتهم «غزة» توقد ذاكرة أبناء الدوايمة وتدفعهم للتحرك قانونياًالإثنين نوفمبر 02, 2015 5:45 pm من طرف نضال هديب» مجزرة الدوايمة وصرخة الدم النازف.بقلم .نضال هديبالخميس أكتوبر 29, 2015 10:54 am من طرف نضال هديب» صباح الخير يا دوايمةالخميس أكتوبر 29, 2015 1:24 am من طرف نضال هديب» خربشات نضال . قال القدس لمينالخميس أكتوبر 29, 2015 1:22 am من طرف نضال هديب» المستوطنون يستعدون لاكبر عملية اقتحام للأقصىالخميس سبتمبر 17, 2015 2:04 pm من طرف نضال هديب» اخي ابن الدوايمة \ البوم صور لقاءات ومناسبات ابناءالدوايمة في الداخل والشتاتالخميس سبتمبر 17, 2015 1:44 pm من طرف نضال هديب» اجمل ترحيب بالاعضاء الجدد الذين انظمو لقافلة منتديات الدوايمة وهم السادة الخميس أغسطس 20, 2015 1:04 pm من طرف ahmad-lafi » ما هوَ ثمن الجـنـّة ؟؟ .الخميس أغسطس 06, 2015 7:18 pm من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» حرمة الإحتفال بعيد الأم المزعومالأربعاء مارس 18, 2015 5:13 pm من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» القناعة للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني الأربعاء ديسمبر 24, 2014 11:04 am من طرف الشاعر عطا سليمان رموني» قرية الدوايمة المغتصبة لا بديل عنها ولو بالقدسالثلاثاء ديسمبر 23, 2014 3:08 pm من طرف أحمد الخضور» عن حقي ابد ما احيد للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني الإثنين ديسمبر 22, 2014 1:16 pm من طرف الشاعر عطا سليمان رموني» بابي لعبدي مشرع للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني الثلاثاء نوفمبر 25, 2014 8:25 am من طرف الشاعر عطا سليمان رموني» الذكرى الـ97 لوعد بلفور المشؤوم الأحد نوفمبر 02, 2014 9:14 pm من طرف نضال هديب» نائب رئيس الكنيست الإسرائيلي موشيه فيغلن اقتحم الحرم القدسي الأحد نوفمبر 02, 2014 9:09 pm من طرف نضال هديب» يووم سقوط الدوايمة الثلاثاء أكتوبر 28, 2014 9:37 pm من طرف نضال هديب» حذاري ان تعبثوا بالوطنالسبت أكتوبر 25, 2014 9:34 pm من طرف نضال هديب» اعلان وفاة زوجة الحاج عبد الحميد ياسين هديب وحفيدة ابن رامي عبد الحميدالجمعة أكتوبر 24, 2014 9:32 pm من طرف نضال هديب» جرح مجزرة الدوايمة يأبى الإلتئام بقلم نضال هديبالسبت سبتمبر 27, 2014 11:04 pm من طرف نضال هديب» الدوايمة / كتاب توراة الملك ........ دليل لقتل الفلسطينيينالسبت سبتمبر 27, 2014 10:58 pm من طرف نضال هديب» غداً السبت الموافق 27ايلول 2014 تحتفل بالعام السادس لتاسيس منتدى الدوايمةالجمعة سبتمبر 26, 2014 3:27 pm من طرف نضال هديب» أحاديث لا تصح في الأضحية وفي المسح على رأس اليتيم الجمعة سبتمبر 26, 2014 1:34 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» فضائل صوم ست من شوالالجمعة أغسطس 08, 2014 1:46 am من طرف الشيخ جميل لافي» قرر الرئيس محمود عباس تشكيل الوفد الفلسطيني الى القاهرة كما يلي :-السبت أغسطس 02, 2014 12:27 am من طرف نضال هديب» بان كي مون يطالب بـ "الافراج فورا" عن الجندي الاسرائيلي الاسيرالسبت أغسطس 02, 2014 12:17 am من طرف نضال هديب» لقناة البريطانية العاشرة الجندي الاسراييلي الاسير بريطاني الجنسيةالسبت أغسطس 02, 2014 12:12 am من طرف نضال هديب» الاسير هدار غولدين ابن عم وزير الدفاع الاسرائيليالجمعة أغسطس 01, 2014 10:08 pm من طرف نضال هديب» اسر الجندي الصهيوني الملازم الثاني هدار غولدين الجمعة أغسطس 01, 2014 10:07 pm من طرف نضال هديب» في ذكرى رحيل أمي الجمعة أغسطس 01, 2014 6:20 pm من طرف نضال هديب» ينعى موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني بشديد الحزن والاسى الجامعه العربيةالثلاثاء يوليو 29, 2014 2:34 am من طرف نضال هديب» تضامنا مع غزة شبكة منتديات الدوايمة تدعوا اقتصار مظاهر العيد على الشعائر الدينية السبت يوليو 26, 2014 7:45 pm من طرف نضال هديب» توفيت الصحفية عزة سامي، نائب رئيس صحيفة الأهرام التي قالت «كتر خيرك يا نتنياهو ربنا يكترالسبت يوليو 26, 2014 1:43 am من طرف نضال هديب» أغنية الجندي المخطوف (شاؤول ارون)عملوها الفدائية الخميس يوليو 24, 2014 9:14 pm من طرف نضال هديب |
| | leading the prayers | |
| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
الشيخ جميل لافي عميد منتديات الدوايمة المستشار العام
الدولة : الأردن - عمان
العمر : 65 المزاج : هــــــــــادي
| موضوع: leading the prayers الإثنين مارس 01, 2010 8:59 pm | |
| Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:29 pm [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]Topic: Leading in prayer. Very important |
| In the name of God the Merciful
Leading the prayers
What are the conditions that must be available in the imam
Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) Envoy mercy to the worlds, but after: Leading the prayers of the most important Cairalisalam therefore assigned to the best of people, was the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)The first to bless Muslims Imam , But upon the prophets and messengers Bible House on the night of Isra Imam, After the mother of the caliphs and princes Muslims, it proved that the thing it shows the importance of the ِ Imamah And, unfortunately, today this has become a profession like any other profession or social standing, and the hypocrisy of Sheikha * Does not preclude that designate the imam of the religious endowment, but that meets the conditions of leadership, and to be efficient for them, be appointed to fill a vacancy or favoritism Oumajamlp, this is a very important function, which is one of the noblest professions on earth, because of the upbringing and education, education and Tfiqih and preparation of the nation in all walks of life, for saying(Peace be upon him)ِ : (Your choice of authorized Iwmkm and your readers) Narrated by Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, and al-Bayhaqi * And given by Adequate salary and making dhikr enables From engaging in any other profession, to devote himself to lead the prayers, and absent only absolutely necessary, and what we see in many of the mosques (Except from the womb of God and a few of them) Absent from the leaders of the grounds that the salary is not enough, and big responsibilities, he who moves from one region to another and attended the prayer, pray as understood by prayer, there was a ruler who does not or to pray, and even Istkhalafounam they are not qualified for this important ritual ** Said ((Peace be upon him): (The Signs of the time scrambling to find people in the mosque do not Imam Pray with them)Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah and al-Bayhaqi , all of them wants to be an imam imam not agree on them Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) : (What's pray behind the Imam never lighter prayer of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) , Though to hear the crying of a child eases the fear that seduced his mother's distress) Agreed In the report narrated by Muslim from Anas(May Allah be pleased with him)He said:(What's pray behind the Imam never lighter prayer Nor did Of the prayer of the Prophet (Peace be upon him))Muslim Not completed: Which does not detract from the elements as a shortcut bowing and prostrating, but reading and relief in an emergency and no excuse, and not always understood as some of the (Leads the pray be lighter ) ** Said ((Peace be upon him) : ( "The imam has been appointed to him, knelt If Farcawa, and if the lifting bows) Sahih Al-Bukhari from Anas(May Allah be pleased with him) ** A ((Peace be upon him) : ( "The imam has been appointed to do, do not differ from him, if the bows Farcawa, and when he heard those who praise God, let him say: O Lord Praise to you, and if then prostrate prostrated, And if he prays sitting separated sitting all of them )Agreed (And if he prays sitting separated sitting all of them ) Replicated: As narrated from Aisha (May Allah be pleased with) That the Prophet ((Peace be upon him) Ordered Abu Bakr to lead people in prayer, Abu Bakr and prayed for days, and found the Prophet (Peace be upon him) In the same light Ehady stood between two men even entered the mosque, when he heard Abu Bakrhsh went backward, and then he gestured to the Messenger of Allah(Peace be upon him) Should not be delayed, came even sat on the left of Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr was praying in place, and the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) Pray sitting down, Follow the example of Abu Bakr prayer of the Prophet, prayer and the people followed the example of Abu Bakr)Agreed **Said ((Peace be upon him) : (If they leading the pray, three of them, pursued them, the animal imam) Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim and al-hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed ** A ((Peace be upon him) : (Pray you, as your the wounded and for them, if they are wrong and as your on them) Narrated by al-Bukhaari in the right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Each imam, or wants to be an imam, or pay to lead the prayers, he has access to these evil and i: ** Ansaari (May Allah be pleased with him) He said: Said ((Peace be upon him) :(Shafaa'ah Oqrwhm The book of God Almighty, the reading, whether they are in the Sunnah knowlege, The Sunnah they were both, old migration , The migration, whether they are in old not , Does not believe in men, the man the authority to (In his family) Not sit in his house without his permission on Takermth) Sahih Muslim
* Sall we know the conditions that must be available in the Imam
The animal and save them to the book of God 1 And I know the provisions of the recitation I know of the Year cleared : And particular the jurisprudence of prayer-- 2 More people are not:ً If you provide the first two conditions --------------- 3 Health Pronunciation 4 So that the defect does not change the pronunciation and word meanings in reading. Control and the application of the pillars of prayer in full 5 Knowledge of the terms of prayer and application 6 Knowledge of the duties of prayer and application 7 Bodies of knowledge and Sunan prayer and applied 8 Because it is a good example to other worshipers, it awarded him who does not pray on it and be wrong button, because people think the Imam of science and knowledge in most cases * It is bodies and Sunan Raising the hands follow shoulders, ears and hands Mpsottan out, and when the opening takbeer takbeeraat of movement, when you kneel down and uploaded it, and when getting up from the first tashahhud the rak'ah third , And at a meeting of either sitting cross to witness the first and Altork to see the latter, with the inclusion of the fingers of the right hand and set the right index finger on his thigh, and put left hand on his left knee, Difference in quality of silence before you start reading , After meeting the rest of the vacuum and two prostrations before doing the second rak'ah stunted and without prayer nor does mention, Placing the right hand on the left hand and wrist and part of the forearm to the chest , And use tooth stick before you begin to pray, Put hands on the knees with the arrest and relieve the fingers and tamper Aleddin on both sides , Back and head alignment and parallel to the ground as much as possible, Lifting back when prostrating and raising the forearms on the ground with tamper Aleddin on both sides as far as possible , Extension of hands in prostration with the inclusion of the fingers towards the Qibla and Mjavadtha for example the head and shoulders or head , Not to stop hair or as a dress, a turban in prayer, Consideration to the place of prostration in prayer except sit in the tashahhud directs his attention to the reference index finger upright or portable traffic light of the first tashahhud to recognize or carry out the rak'ah III. Knowledge questions jurisprudence prayer and other acts of worship 9 To show that the question of worshipers to pray and purity, and by reforming what happens if Suha Onsi a pillar or a duty or a year, and must also alert and recall their time of worship Kchiam, Zakat and charity, and pilgrimage, and sacrifice, and funerals and other ........ And I would recommend the book (Fiqh al-Sunnah) ßßTAB simplified and facilitator, Mr. earlier God's mercy. Not to talk about religion without knowledge 10 (It is the greatest sin after shirk in Allah Almighty: to say to God without knowledge), Kaltlfez interviews no basis, hadeeth (God does not look crooked to the row) and (Junboa your children in mosques) And some conversations reprehensible. Sunan prayer and application of distance from the fads 11 For saying (Peace be upon him) : (What's Innovate innovation but left the people of the Sunnah like it) Narrated by Imam Ahmad , And quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah said in the book of faith, p. 164 . No: (what's left only a Sunnah and was replaced by fads The Islamic dress code Valbas of religios 12 Turban, the dress, and waist, it was proven from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) That the blessings of bare-headed, and scholars said Balbntal permissible to pray with unpleasantness, and hates that most Girallh gaze?? , How to do something God hates?? . There is prolonged and Eid clothes or garment without the ankles, to the imam, or prayer congregation, (And the ankles are Alrmantin) . Said (Peace be upon him) : (Do not accept the prayer of Abdullah downcast garment without heels) And the least deprived pay!! . And said (Peace be upon him) : (What's ankles from the waist down in the Fire) Narrated by al - . Only leads some people they dislike him 13 For saying (Peace be upon him) : (Three not lift up their prayers over their heads Shubra: a man or a people they dislike him, and a woman and her husband have become discontented, and two brothers Mtsarman) Narrated by Ibn Majah from Ibn Abbas(PBUH. Not pray without regard to the same congregation 14 And not only leads some people for saying their permission ِ(Peace be upon him): (Not permissible for a man who believes in Allah and the Last Day to lead a people except with their permission, and the invitation for the same without them, the act has betrayed) Narrated by Abu Dawood . From the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) . With the exception of (Opening du'aa) . In Musnad Ahmad: (Three is not permissible for anyone to Ifhin: Do not lead the man has do some people pray the same without them, the act has betrayed not look at the bottom of the house before asking permission, the act has entered, does not pray until he injected Itkhvv) It Tirmidhi said it is a hasan hadeeth narrated by Ibn Majah Taking into account the elderly in bowing and prostrating 15 Since the movement they can not catch low at this time, Imams, and their argument Saying (Peace be upon him) : (If you prays for leads the people, including the sick, the weak, and the great, and if he prays for himself Vlaitol wills) Agreed * Yes , But the lack of trust in all elements invalidate the prayer!! For it is a pillar of the pillars of prayer. Be gentley for the young and kindness to them and teach them to pray 16 It is attached to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Kids that was carrying Omaima Zainab bint if in prayer and bowed or prostrated and put it on the ground and if the pregnancy. And the hadeeth: (Junboa your children in mosques) Is not correct rate of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) . What we see today enjoined and the expulsion of the boys in the mosque, but the ignorance of some of the imams and the faithful, even if it became displeased with little, or was at the time of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Crying children?? He did not deny that! , Said(Peace be upon him): (I begin to pray and I want to hear the lengthened Bkle boy intending to make my prayer, because I know that his mother's distress) Agreed . Q: But every father to teach his sons ethics mosques, and not leave the rope down. Take abar in prayer and Leiden, including 17 For saying (Peace be upon him) : (If you prays pray to the jacket and Leiden them) Narrated by Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah. This happens sometimes, and we see the Imam in arrears in the mihrab or walls do not take a jacket, or standing people in prayer in the middle of the mosque and put a jacket, but far behind her!! . It is true that close to them and not to increase the distance between the jacket over an arm in the upper limit (30 35 cm). Prolong the tide in the opening takbeer and takbeeraat Jump 18 And correct to pronounce it uttered, (God Ikpaaaaar) , Vikpaaar broken hamzah D "B" and one thousand is the drum, or come by the formula Alistpham This is not permissible, and some of them composed and put a melody for each movement, in the enlarged prostrate to Hui (Melody), In sit between the two prostrations (Last tune) In the first tashahhud (Melody) , And the final tashahhud (Melody) In each rak'ah extends zoom tide of time with the movement to do, and so ........!! . Mustahabb ease Imam to pray 19 For saying (Peace be upon him) : (Leads the mother) does not mean the lack of relief staff, duties or even al-Sunan. What is the mitigation was prolongs in the first rak'ah as discussed in the next item Prolong the first rak'ah 20 And waiting to be felt to enter the mosque to pray with the congregation but does not extend much. It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed al -(May Allah be pleased with him) He said: (It was held noon prayers goes to al outgoing issue needed, then comes family Vetodo aware of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) In The first rak'ah than lengthen) Narrated by Muslim. If counted prayer imams in the present day does not exceed five minutes in its highest ground (leads the mother). Al-Tameen after reading aloud in the chapeau 21 Many of the imams think that the insurance only for Momomcin, and do not have insurance, from Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) Said: (Peace be upon him) : (If you believe the security of the Imam, it is agreed insurance secured angels forgiven his past sins) Agreed . In the novel:(If Imam ( Not anger them and everything) Amen, let him say, the angels say Amen, Amen, although the imam says it is agreed insurance secured angels forgiven his past sins) Narrated by al - . The meaning of Amen: God will answer. And non-elongating to (a) Fimd movements only (AZ) four movements, or tightening Almim which changes the meaning to the occupants refused to respond, instead of God. Prolong reading at AL-Fjer 22 Was a gift from(Peace be upon him)Be read about in the morning Sixty To Hundred Verse, for the imam to do so even if sometimes for the application of his Sunnah. 23-Prolong the noon prayer and Magreb, and the times on half of the back Was (Peace be upon him) Prolong the reading in Pm And Magreb As stated in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Sa'eed al, and reported in the Item No. 19 . The Age For half of the back if the marriage lasted, and exaggerated if they were confined. In Magreb o Norms and sometimes Bakasarmen the fence, and AL-Eshaa Less than Magreb , As opposed to what the imams do these days, prolonging the AL-Eshaa and in Magreb Staying in the mihrab, shrugging his face to worshipers 24 Because he hates the person praying to leave before circumvent the imam, Vishq to precipitate or pay to do hateful things. Because of the hadeeth Qubaysah bin bristle from his father, said: The Prophet ( (Peace be upon him)Vinasrv realized on all sides, to Oath The Northern ) Narrated by Abu Daodwabn Majah and Tirmidhi * And Aisha (May Allah be pleased with) That the Prophet (Peace be upon him) When he did not sit him only the amount of what he says: (O you peace and the peace you a blessed you glory and honor) Narrated by Ahmad, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah Commitment to the ethics of mosques and Islamic morality Assembly 25 It should be an example for other worshipers his commitment to Islamic morality, because someone has nothing to give, as the poet said: Do not end for creating and comes like him ...... Shame on you if you did a great ** And do taboo and abominations such as: Hookah smoke and drink, and shave the beard and mustache, prolonged, and profanity, and playing cards (robustness), and not covering the head, and dressed in the default year, and presence and presence in the councils to avoid suspicions of suspicious and other ....... . ** And incites known Kindness , And forbid what is evil Without evil , And to reconcile enmities, and to be effective in society does not involve itself. Hates altitude of the Imam and the rise of the congregation 26 Ansaari(May Allah be pleased with him) He said: (The Messenger of God (Peace be upon him)That the Imam makes up something and the people behind it)Narrated by al-Daaraqutni . The modern meaning people to be beneath him, I do not mind the congregation to pray in a place higher than the Imam Calcdd, etc, for the same grilling is characterized by the congregation or higher for them. Non-Takbeerat ihraam before the settlement of rows 27 Said(Peace be upon him) : (Establish your ranks and Trassoa) . And Naman bin Bashir(May Allah be pleased with him) He said: (The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)Settle our ranks, as if to settle Tinderbox even thought that has our mind, and then he went out one day grow up to almost stood up and saw a man whose chest of the row, said: (Servants of Allah sticking your ranks, or obligatory to God among the row)Narrated by Muslim in the correct . (And Tinderbox: Oud, which makes him the arrow) . Did not grow up before they settle rows and Ersa, was issued to pay for the advanced class, the settlement of the rows of the Imam and the congregation of the perfection of prayer, the imam in the Palace, if the rows sinned with the health of prayer, we hear some of the imams say Istewa and grow immediately and this heresy, and contrary to do (Peace be upon him). Not to leave children and young people who have not attained the younger behind the row which followed, and the laity as well 28 From Ibn Masood (May Allah be pleased with him) He said: Said(Peace be upon him) : (For you Ellne Ulu dreams and prohibitions, then those who follow them, then those who follow them, and you and Hecat markets)Narrated by Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. Maybe I need to Istkhalaf of the Imam, followed by Adhirolm it, it would be efficient successor to complete the prayer, or Suha Vionnbhoh, or a close by Vivthawwa it. If the Imam and with one man 29 Faisvh on his right hand andAdjacent to , Do not make it and not delay, foot Along Football (Fingers and heels) The shoulder along the shoulder, and often see delays in the congregation of the Imam in this case, and this has no basis. Atention barm and is forbidden to pray with the capacity between the mast in the mosque 30 On the Ayas Bin Kara (May Allah be pleased with him) He said: (We do not allow that half of the mast at the time of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) And dismiss them parcels) Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan and al-Bayhaqi * The reason it is forbidden, cutting class, there is no dispute in the passport when you narrow. Prolongation stand before the opening Takbeer Ihraam 31 Mutterings and pray and not out her words such as: Lord of this perfect call God ... or better standing in your hands ... Or established by God and Odamha, or heard and we obey ... It is not the way of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) After settling rows stand for before raising calls, but they Sktaatp after zooming out is essential to recite, in contrast to what some of the imams. Basmalah sometimes manifest and concealment often 32 Novel Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) : (That the Prophet (Peace be upon him) And Abu Bakr and Omar were Inaugurates prayer to praise Allaah Lord of the Worlds) Sahih Al-Bukhari . In the novel: (I prayed with the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) And Abu Bakr and Amrosman, I have not heard one of them read the name of God the Merciful) Sahih Muslim. Ibn al-Qayyim said: (The (Peace be upon him) Avowed b (the name of God the Merciful) sometimes, and to speak out by hiding Okthermma). To stop on the heads of verses light and not to fall, including letter 33 Asked Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with) Reading the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) , She said: (it was cut off to read the verse verse) Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Bayhaqi, al-Daaraqutni Governor Ahmed And not to fall from Noon characters in character and everything, broken to believe, or change the letters Such as: Aldad tan, or Zen, or not to tighten ya beware, or bestowed by combining allowance blessed conquest. Does not reach reading for bowing Takbeer 34 Will leave no dividing line shortly after the completion of reading Velhgaha zoomed in immediately, and this is contrary to the Sunnah. ((The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) Silent if he finishes reading before he bows, even breathe)) Narrated by Ahmad Reviving the Sunnah abandoned in prayer 35 And abandoned by the people in our time, such as: * Umar (PBUH) He said: (The Prophet (Peace be upon him) If he ordered the muezzin was a night of cold and rain says: (Not arrived at the Backpacker) ) Agreed . * And like to teach people even and the odd prayer, and praying that it is permissible to pray rak'ahs I gathered rak'ah tendon at once B_hd one delivers. This is something that ignorant people, and Sunan abandoned and dead. ** And he (Peace be upon him) : (From two years of a revived may Omitt me, it has a reward like that of everyone other than that something is missing from their wages, and a misguided innovation Innovate do not approve of God and His Messenger, it was like the burden of the sin of the work it does not detract from Omashm something) Narrated by Tirmidhi, who said a hasan hadeeth, and Ibn Majah . Taking into account the use of loudspeakers 36 Imam to take into account the use of loudspeakers not raise his voice shouting loudly to disturb the ears of the faithful, and is raising his voice in the event of absence or failure. To continue reading after al-Imam 37 It was not a gift (Peace be upon him) Be silent or wait as much as the congregation reading light, but do not drop the chapeau of the congregation, Afikroha vacuum after the imam, with the exception of the prohibition of the Prophet-Fatiha (Peace be upon him) : (What do I have a disputed the Koran) . Oonhi verse: (If the Qur'aan is recited and listened to him you may receive mercy)AL-Araaf 204 Takbeeraat of movement and movement by 38 * Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) Marfoo He said: (The (Peace be upon him)If he wanted to prostrate Enlarge then prostrate, and if the of November, and has large) Narrated by Abu Ali in al-Musnad, all men are trustworthy, and in the correct series (2 / 157) . * This is very important, we believe some of the imams and reassure kneel kneeling and then grows, as well as prostration, This is not true!! . * Imam and the faithful to know this, so as not to Espqoh in the movement, and therefore Mind If the worshipers and the laity of the ignorance of the jurisprudence of prayer, and Measure Between so as not to fall under the warning to those former imam. * For saying ((Peace be upon him) : (The fear of you if he raised his head before the imam to convert the image of God image donkey) Narrated by Community . * Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) Said: ((Peace be upon him) : (O people, I am your not ahead of me to kneel or prostrate and do not sit down and disperse)Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim . * And on the Bara bin celibate(May Allah be pleased with him) He said: (We used to pray with the Prophet (Peace be upon him)If he heard the praise of God for those who have not bowed the back of us so as to put the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Forehead on the ground)Narrated by Community . In this issue four cases, only one of them are true: Equality forward for the movement , And this invalidates the prayer---- 1 Many of the Movement of the late Imam corner until it is too ----------- 2 And this invalidates the prayer . 3 -------------------------------------------------- Competition imam movement , And this invalidates the prayer because he did not follow the example of the Imam, but he became Imam. 4 Little about the late Imam, this is the correct . For saying ((Peace be-- upon him) : ( "The imam has been appointed to him, If bowPBow , And if the lifting PLEAVE ) Sahih Al-Bukhari from Anas(May Allah be pleased with him) . P : According to the relay is not premeditated, nor delayed.
* Although this was good and right, it is God alone, although it is an error or omission or forgetfulness, and thumped the devil, and I'm retarded about it, right with the right always, and God forbid that a Zkirkm it and forgrt * Oh God, make what we said and we wrote it does not excuse us, we offer you on *
* Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds * * And ask forgiveness of God *
jamil lafi
Monday 1 / 3 / 2010 PM-------------- 15 / rabie`a firstable / 1431 H
عدل سابقا من قبل جميل لافي في الإثنين أبريل 05, 2010 7:42 pm عدل 1 مرات | |
| | | هيفاء عضو هيئة ادارية المدير الاداري
الدولة :
| موضوع: رد: leading the prayers السبت مارس 06, 2010 3:27 am | |
| Brother Jamil
Thank you allot for this great topic and your efforts of translation so that every one can follow-up it fully with all its benefit
God bless you
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| | | روضة عضو نشيط
| موضوع: رد: leading the prayers الإثنين مارس 15, 2010 11:35 pm | |
| Great efforts , can we read it by arabic language ? some words not clear for me. regards, | |
| | | الشيخ جميل لافي عميد منتديات الدوايمة المستشار العام
الدولة : الأردن - عمان
العمر : 65 المزاج : هــــــــــادي
| موضوع: رد: leading the prayers الثلاثاء مارس 16, 2010 7:50 pm | |
| بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الأخت روضة الإمامة في الصلاة موجودة في مدونة الدوايمة للبحث وأصول الدين في أول المنتدى إذا أردت ِ الإطلاع والقراءة فهذه الترجمة لغير الناطقين بالعربية وجميع الأبحاث موجود نسخ منها بالعربية . وأشكر إهتمامك ومرورك جميل لافي 16 / 3 / 2010 م | |
| | | روضة عضو نشيط
| موضوع: رد: leading the prayers الثلاثاء مارس 16, 2010 11:51 pm | |
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| | | | leading the prayers | |
| صلاحيات هذا المنتدى: | لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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| تصويت | | هل تقبل التنازل عن حق العودة | لا | | 90% | [ 1470 ] | نعم | | 10% | [ 160 ] |
| مجموع عدد الأصوات : 1630 |