موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008

أخبار .. بحث.. سياسة .. آدب .. ثقافة عامة .. حرية رأي .
الرئيسيةبوابة فلسطينالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول
من حروف أسم الدوايمة يتكون وطني الدوايمة(د .. دم)(و..وطني)( أ .. أوثقه)(ي.. يأبى)(م .. مسح )(هـ .. هويته) (دم وطني أوثقه يأبى مسح هويته)...نضال هدب

أن نسي العالم مجزرة الدوايمة أو تناسىى فان طور الزاغ الكنعاني سيظل شاهداً أميناً على المجزرةالمتواجدون الآن ؟
المواضيع الأخيرة
» رحلة الإنسان من بداية خلقه وتكوينه وحتى دخوله الجنة أو النار .
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» حُكم الغناء والموسيقى والمعازف .
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» مشروع وثيقــــة شـــرف عشائر الدوايمة”
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» ادخل احصاء ابناء الدوايمة في الشتات
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» الدوايمة ليست قبيله ولا عشيرة
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» لإحياء المجزرة التي تعرضت لها قريتهم «غزة» توقد ذاكرة أبناء الدوايمة وتدفعهم للتحرك قانونياً
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» مجزرة الدوايمة وصرخة الدم النازف.بقلم .نضال هديب
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» صباح الخير يا دوايمة
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» خربشات نضال . قال القدس لمين
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» ما هوَ ثمن الجـنـّة ؟؟ .
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» القناعة للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني
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» قرية الدوايمة المغتصبة لا بديل عنها ولو بالقدس
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» بابي لعبدي مشرع للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني
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» الذكرى الـ97 لوعد بلفور المشؤوم
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»  نائب رئيس الكنيست الإسرائيلي موشيه فيغلن اقتحم الحرم القدسي
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» يووم سقوط الدوايمة
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» حذاري ان تعبثوا بالوطن
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» اعلان وفاة زوجة الحاج عبد الحميد ياسين هديب وحفيدة ابن رامي عبد الحميد
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» جرح مجزرة الدوايمة يأبى الإلتئام بقلم نضال هديب
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» الدوايمة / كتاب توراة الملك ........ دليل لقتل الفلسطينيين
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» غداً السبت الموافق 27ايلول 2014 تحتفل بالعام السادس لتاسيس منتدى الدوايمة
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» أحاديث لا تصح في الأضحية وفي المسح على رأس اليتيم
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» فضائل صوم ست من شوال
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» قرر الرئيس محمود عباس تشكيل الوفد الفلسطيني الى القاهرة كما يلي :-
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» بان كي مون يطالب بـ "الافراج فورا" عن الجندي الاسرائيلي الاسير
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» الاسير هدار غولدين ابن عم وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي
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» في ذكرى رحيل أمي
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» ينعى موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني بشديد الحزن والاسى الجامعه العربية
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» تضامنا مع غزة شبكة منتديات الدوايمة تدعوا اقتصار مظاهر العيد على الشعائر الدينية
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» توفيت الصحفية عزة سامي، نائب رئيس صحيفة الأهرام التي قالت «كتر خيرك يا نتنياهو ربنا يكتر
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» أغنية الجندي المخطوف (شاؤول ارون)عملوها الفدائية
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اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الشيخ جميل لافي
عميد منتديات الدوايمة المستشار العام
عميد منتديات الدوايمة المستشار العام
الشيخ جميل لافي

الدولة : الأردن - عمان

العمر : 65
المزاج : هــــــــــادي


In the name of God the Merciful

Learn about Prophet Mohammad
Peace be upon him Closely

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Imam of the pious, Muhammad "and his family and companions, and marched on approach and a gift and enacted Psonth and traced to the days of religion, and I bear witness that no God but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the" slave and Messenger, and the seal of prophets and messengers

* Know, Abdullah said of the faith, and love of the Prophet finish (Peace be upon him) Have said: (Do not you truly believes until I am dearer to him than his father and his son, and all people) Sahih Al-Bukhari , HeUmar ibn al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) :(For you, O Messenger of God to love everything except myself, he said(Peace be upon him) : No, that hand is my soul, so I love you from yourself. Omar said to him: you now and God to love myself . So the Messenger of God (Peace be upon him) Now, my life (That is now completed, your faith you age)

* I say: how to love the Prophet (Peace be upon him) More of ourselves and all the people and we do not know anything about him?? . But do not know the names, as well as to know the shape-Sharif, calling and character, and his lineage and his sons and his wives, and as well as his biography

It is right we need to know, and know it until it penetrates love (Peace be upon him) In our hearts, and hearts of our husbands, and sons, and daughters and the Muslims straight, this is a simplified search and facilitator, I hope to God that it meet the acceptance and approval of those who read, And reward those who publish and distribute it among the people

Name and descent
Mohammed Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusai ibn dogs ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b bin Loay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al Kenana Nadr bin Khuzaymah aware of bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin bin Adnan, a descendant of Ismael Bin Abraham Peace be upon them.

For Jberpen restaurant said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) says [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] I have five names: I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, and I am al-Mahi, which Allaah erases disbelief, and I Alheshr the Ihhralnas on my feet, and I Aqub) agreed. And Aqub: That no prophet after him.

ــ And Abu Musa al-Ash'ari said: (The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called us the same names, he said: I am Muhammad and Ahmad and ÇáãÞÝí and Alheshr and the Prophet of repentance and the Prophet of Mercy) Sahih Muslim. And ÇáãÞÝí: Seal of the Prophets, which is no prophet after him

Jaabir that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: (not named my Tknua Pkiniti, I made the denominator but I swear to you) agreed. Divide any spoils

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة] How Taajabun not distract me, cursing God and the Quraish about them? Mzmma obscenities, and I am Muhammad) agreed

And Abdullah bin Srjs (may Allah be pleased with him) said: (I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) and ate with him bread and meat Ooukal Threyda, and then I looked behind him to rotate the Seal of Prophethood between his shoulders when Nagd his left shoulder (top left shoulder) collectively, it Khilan Like unto warts) Sahih Muslim. Collectively: A stop with the inclusion of the fingers and collected, but the size of an egg bath, And Alkhilan: A collection of free mole, Warts: Outlying areas of the heart is a wart or lump

Quraish are known for their honor and greatness and glory and respect, origin, and the holiness of the place between the Arabs Sairkabbail

Mother and ratios

Amna Bint Wahab bin Abdul Manaf bin Zahra bin dogs, meet with the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the fifth ancestor (dogs), a title in what was the large number of dogs used in hunting he knew, and whose real name is Wise It was Tab


Know the family Auctions Proportion to their grandfather Hashim Hashim II has inherited from the virtues of watering and Qusay Alrvadp Rthma, and then demand his brother and then the children came up to Hashem Islam

The Hashem The greatest people in his time was called Hashim because he had smashed bread (no mates in the flesh) and named Amr , Which enacted the flights mentioned in the Koran, winter and summer journey to Yemen and the Levant, and was known by Sir Batha.

ــ Get married, have passed Yathrib Salma Bint Amr, Bani Adi from Bani Najjar and then set period and then went to Sham, a pregnant, died in Gaza from the land of Palestine, and named the Gaza Hashem, Salma was born in the city for children called Shaybah ship in the head, Venco between maternal uncles Yathrib did not know Mecca by his uncles until he was seven or eight years, and aware of his uncle took him to Mecca, the demand seen by people when they thought they said Abdo Abd al-Muttalib nickname, that name

It was Abdul-Muttalib, handsome people and Ojmlhm virtuous and some became master of Quraish and the owner of Ayr Mecca honest horse obeyed Fayyad called for its generosity

His father Abdullah was the best children of Abdul Muttalib and Oafhm and I love it and it is slaughtered, which Fdah hundred camels, his father picked him Amna Bint Wahab was the best women of Quraish honor and subject, and her father was Mr. Benny flower ratios and honor, and built by Abdullah in Mecca came to bear the Messenger of Allah (peace Allaah be upon him)

After a period of Abd al-Muttalib sent to the Levant trade in the city died due from the Levant and was buried in Dar es genius Alvebani Ahaaralmarov before the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him)


Born Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) the people of Banu Hashim in Mecca on the morning of Monday, the ninth and said Axowalthani Ashrmn first month of spring of the Year of the Elephant, corresponding to 22 April the year 571 AD. The offset or recovery bint Amr Abdel Rahman Bin Awf (may Allah be pleased with him), and as his mother bore him out of his lack of light lit up the Levant, the Fbchert grandfather Abdul Muttalib interpreted it and enter the Ka'bah and gave thanks to God and called Him, and Muhammad is the hope that nobody Ktne been accompanied him and on the seventh day and feed people


Baraka Umm Ayman Abyssinian freed slave and his father, Abdullah has remained even converted to Islam and migrated to the city and died after the Prophet (peace be upon him) five or six months


The first breastfeed the Prophet (peace be upon him) after his mother Thuwaiba his master Abu flame milk Emsrouh and her son had been breastfed before his uncle, Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib understanding of his brothers through breastfeeding

The flame of his nation freed Abu Thuwaiba joy the birth of Muhammad (peace be upon him), but it became after the mission of the severest enemies.

* In Bani Saad

Were wives of the sons of Sa'd ibn Bakr Hawazin seeking breast offered them the Prophet (peace be upon him) that Fabien Erdanh for orphaned, did not find Halima bint Abi y Wib (Abdallah ibn al-Harith) Saadia and her husband is (al-Harith bin Abdul Uzza) baby I took him

Voulad Harith brothers through breastfeeding, they are: Abdullah and Anisa and a Jaddamp (Shaimaa) dominated the title name, and she was holding the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)

* Barakat in the house of breastfeeding

We rotate the blessings on the people of this house for existence (peace be upon him) among them, and these blessings when it came to Mecca, Halima days were waterless, drought, and with donkey (female donkey) is the slowest in the convoy to weakness and wasting, together with the camel does not Tdrbanna , was with her child, a baby crying and screaming all night from hunger, sleep or let the parents sleep, after the development of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in her lap that brought Tdiaha of milk and drank until Roy, and drinking with her baby son, and Nama, and her husband to the camel found Dharaha Vhalbha full of milk and drink until Arthuia and Bata fine night, and wanted to return to displaying Bani Saad installed Halima donkey and carried with the Prophet (peace be upon him) so I hastened donkey suffered Sbakthm up and were unable to Hogaha anything

Since forward Deyaar Bani Saad was Ojdb land of God, they became their flocks Trouh Chaabaa full Akhawasr Fodder, and full of udders with milk, and sheep folk empty udders, and what has been completed for two breast Aftmth Halima has been intensified and strong

* Stay in Bani Saad after breastfeeding

Halima was going Prophet (peace be upon him) to his mother every six Ochehrtm back to the desert and were keen to keep it yet have a solution to the breast from the pool and good, and she asked his mother to keep him then to fear from Mecca and B Frdit mother, I returned by the happy and then remained about two years after two years of breastfeeding

Incident of his chest

He (peace be upon him), was four years, "said Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): (that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came to him Jibril (peace be upon him), he plays with the boys him, threw him, was too difficult on his chest and his heart extracted , Fastkrj leech him he said: This lucky devil you, and then washed in a pan of gold with Zamzam water, and then to his mother - that is attached and collected - and then returned in place)

The boys are trying to nurse and they said: that Muhammad had been killed, has changed color, Anas said: I think I was the impact sewn in the ches

Return to his mother

After the incident of his Alsdrordjath Halima's mother for fear of it, leaving them nearly two years, then traveled with his grandfather Abdul Muttalib Umm Ayman and her maid to the city where the tomb of his father and grandfather, brothers and sisters to the children of Adi ibn Najjar, stayed in months and then returned, and while it is on the way to the right of the disease has intensified them until she died in al-between Mecca and Medina, and is buried there, and he had reached the (peace be upon him) six years

To the custody of the benevolent grandfather

Returned by the Jeddah to Makkah, he feels deep sorrow and grief to the parents of this child an orphan, was that maximizes the amount, and submit it to the children, and honor him and honor very Ijlsh on his bed, and no one else sitting on it, and wipe the back, and pleased with what he sees is made, and believed to have of a great importance in the future, but he died two years later when he was (peace be upon him) eight years and two months and ten days

Compassionate to the custody of his uncle Abu Talib

The Bkivalth uncle and singled out for mercy and compassion, and the lice of money, blessed of God in a few food was even one full of all his family, he (peace be upon him) example of conviction and Alsberoictvi including Kdrallah him

Traveling to Syria and meet Lakea monk

When he reached the Prophet (peace be upon him) twelve years old his uncle took him to trade in the Levant, and when they arrived near the town on the outskirts of Bosra Sham came to them, a senior monks, Christians - Lakea monk - Vtkhall in the convoy until it reached the Prophet (peace be upon him ) took him with his hand and said: (This is Master of the worlds, the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, this awe of God's mercy to the worlds). They said: What is your knowledge? Said: "(While you Ocrvatm of Aqaba was left stone and trees, but another prostrate, prostrate not only to the Prophet, and I know the seal of Prophethood the bottom of the cartilage in his shoulder like an apple, and I find in our books)

And most honorable hospitality father called and asked to return it does not provide him to Syria for fear of the Jews and the Romans belongs to Abu Talib to Mecca

Life and his marriage to Khadija (God bless them)

Long live the Prophet (peace be upon him) was an orphan inherits from his father, making dhikr enables something, and when he reached the age of work tending sheep with his brothers from infancy, and when he returned to Mecca, sponsored by her family on carats (a fraction of a dinar) and grazing sheep of the ways of the prophets was the first life He (peace be upon him): (What's a prophet and not sponsored)

When he was bully, was traded with the bulk bin Abi bulk, was the best partner is not keeping pace and Leymarie, and knew in his dealings, honesty and candor, chastity until the title of the Secretary

Trade on the wealth of Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with) and was one of the best women of Quraish honor and money, and they give her money for traders to traffic in a taxi, and when I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) offered her money to come out to the Levant trader, and give the best than it gives traders, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) with Ghulamha concessional Sham, He sold and bought and won the great profit of her own money and got the pond did not happen before, then returned to Mecca, Khadija saw the Secretariat and the pond is dazzling hearts, cut them soft what he saw of the Prophet (peace be upon him) of the virtues and some miraculous such as shading, the two angels in his Aharbalaghmam, Vojpt him and sent to one of her friends express their wish to marry him, and be pleased by the Prophet to marry, the marriage age was twenty-five years, while Khadija was enacted forty years, was married to Ben Botaiq return Makhzoumi died marry her by Abu Hala Al-Tamimi, died after her also left her boys, were presented to her by top leaders of Quraish and she refuses to even want in the Messenger of God and marry him, His Excellency Vsaadt envied by the ancients and others

Sons(Peace be upon him):

* Living God Khadija six sons and daughters, and was the seventh of Maria Coptic:

denominator 1
Is the largest children and this was the nickname, he lived until he died and then walked about two years
he lived until he died and then walked about two years

Zainab 2
The biggest hit of his daughters in God, and born after the denominator and married Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee, the son of her aunt Hala bint Khuwaylid, born Zainab Ali, in front of Of which were carried by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in prayer, Zainab died in the early years 8 e in the city

Notes 3
Othman married and she bore him a son named Abdullah, has reached 6 years, then flip you in the eye and died, died, diaphragms, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) Badr, and Zayd ibn Haritha was a harbinger of the city found them Balnasraly have recently settled the dust on her tomb

Umm Kulthum 4
Her husband, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) Usman bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) after the death of paper, did not give birth to him, died on August 9 years and was buried in al-e

Fatima 5
It is the smallest daughters and Ohbehn him, which the women of Paradise, married Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) after Badr, and she bore him Hassan and Hussein and Zaynab and Umm Kulthum , Umm Kulthum married Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) Zaid bore him, then he dies marry her cousin Awn ibn Ja'far, and died by his brother Muhammad marry her, marry her and he died by his brother Abdullah, and then she died with him, and died Fatima (may Allah be pleased with) six months after the Prophet

Abdullah 6
Born in Islam, and said before the last of his four children from Khadija (may Allah be pleased)

Ibrahim 7
Born in the city of confidential Maria Coptic Jamada II in the year 9 AH, and died on 29 October the year 10 AH, a baby, the day the sun was eclipsed in the city, and was buried in al-, said the Prophet (peace be upon him): (a Mrda that she should be in heaven)

Wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Mothers of the Believers:

Mother of the Believers Khadija Bint Khuwaylid (May Allah be pleased with) 1
Married and age 40 years and the age of 25 years, did not marry them until they died, died in Mecca in Ramadan in the year 10 of the prophecy before the migration to 3 years, and is buried Bahadjon and have 65 years.

Mother of the Believers Sawdah bint Zama (May Allah be pleased with) 2
Was under her cousin drunk bin Amr, Vosalma and emigrated to Abyssinia, and then died feedback to them, marry her the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the October 10 year of Prophethood, after the death of Khadija about a month, died in the city in October 54 and was buried in al-e

Mother Believers Aisha friendly girl friend (PBUH) 3
Speeches of the Prophet (peace be upon him) when she was 6 years in October 11 years of Prophethood after Sawdah year, and built in October after the migration of 7 months when she was 9 years old, did not marry any virgin other, a knowledgeable women of the nation and the virtue of women is like the superiority Gruel on other food, died on 17 September in year 57 or 58 and was buried in ale

Hafsa bint Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with them both) 4
Was under the stock flywheel Khniss Ben died by the Badr and one of the wounded injury Badr, when he replaced Tzojhaalnbe (peace be upon him) Vicaban years 3 H, died in the city in August 45 e, and has 60 years, and was buried in al-.

Mother of the Believers Zaynab bint Khuzaymah Crescent (May Allah be pleased with) 5
Was under Ubaidah ibn al-Harith, was killed by the day of Badr, marry her the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Ramadan in the year was 3 H, 4 H, was called in ignorance own poor, to feed them, died last spring of another year after her marriage 4 e 3 or 8 months ago, blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him) and was buried in al-.

Mother of the Believers Umm Salamah Hind bint Abi illiteracy (may Allah be pleased with) 6
Was under Abu Salamah and they have children, died in AH by Akhira 4 H, marry her the Prophet (peace be upon him) in October last year 4 AH, was one of the wisest and shape of women, died in 59 or 62 and was buried in al-e and have 84 years.

Mother of the Believers Zaynab bint Jahsh bin Riab (May Allah be pleased with) 7
Omayma girl, the daughter of Abdul Muttalib aunt of the Prophet (peace be upon him) married Zayd ibn Haritha, was adopted by the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him Zayd ibn Muhammad, did not reconcile between them, until he divorced her, and people of faith see the prohibition on his father's wife adopted adopter, and when her husband went promised God Prophet (peace be upon him) from above the seven heavens, and thus invalidated the adoption, was in a November e 5 years, and the worship of the greatest of these women and charity, died the year 20 AH and have 53 years and was the first Mothers of the Believers to Haouqa the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Mother of the Believers Juwayriya bint al-Harith Mr. Brown Mustaliq (PBUH) 8
In spite Banu Mustaliq August in year 6 have occurred in its shares Vkatebha Thabit ibn Qays and he met the Prophet (peace be upon him) written Voatgaha and married, Voatq hundred Muslim people of the house of the sons of Mustaliq, and said:-laws Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him ), was the greatest blessing to her people, died in 55 or 56 e and have 65 years

Mother of the Believers Umm Habiba Ramla bint Abi Sufyan (PBUH) 9
Was under Obaidullah ibn Jahsh Habiba Vknyt bore him, and emigrated with him to Abyssinia Vtnasr husbands and died an apostate, and is proven to Islam, when the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) Amr ibn al-Damari illiteracy written into the Negus told him to marry her Prophet (peace be upon him), Negus married her to him and he gives her 400 dinars from him, sent out with Sharhabil bin good, Fabtny the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) after his return from the Khyber in the spring of zero or first-year 7 AH, died the year 42 or 44 or 50 e

Mother of the Believers Safiya bint shy bin preach (May Allah be pleased with) 10
When she was Mr. Brown Alndermn the children of Israel, descended from Aaron, peace be upon him, in spite of Khaybar Vastefaha Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) himself and offered in Islam, Islam, and married Voatgaha after the conquest of Khaybar years 7 and e Aptny by SAHBA based on 12 miles of Khyber on his way to the city, died in 50 AH He was 52 and was buried in al-. He said by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): (son of a prophet, a prophet and her uncle, and under the Prophet)

Mother of the Believers auspicious bint al-Harith Crescent (May Allah be pleased with) 11
Is the sister or the credit for major Lubaabah bint al-Harith Crescent husband Abbas (PBUH), whom he married the Prophet (peace be upon him) in a year November 7 in e minor judiciary's to analyze them, and by Aptny Bserf after the 9 miles from Mecca, have also died Bserf year 61 AH He was 63 AH and buried there, but still the subject of grave Aptny known as the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

** This is one of ten women are mothers of the believers and the illiterate wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) By agreement

** Differed in one is Rehana bint Zaid It was one of his wives Srar or, a built-Nadeer, was when a man from Quraizah Sbaya in, Vastefaha the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself, it is said he married her and set her free in Muharram, year 6, e is the Mothers of the Believers, and said that it was not Iatgaha intercourse with her slave women, died after returning from the farewell pilgrimage and was buried in al-

** He had a secret and one is Maria Coptic Given to him by Cyrus and was one of the daughters of kings Fajsa the Prophet himself, was born Abraham, died in 15 or in Muharram 16 AH and buried in al

Created and attributes (Peace be upon him)

Imtazibgamal creation and perfection of morality, and grew from an early age of sound mind and common sense, and plenty of power, an honest side, Fterara grown up and matured a collector of good recipes and lofty noble, was an example of ethics and good qualities, Prerogatived honest, trustworthy, and virility, courage, justice and wisdom, and chastity and asceticism, and the conviction and the Dream , patience and thanks, and modesty and loyalty, humility and Altnasah, and philanthropic, and it was up to the womb, the payload burden of the people, and helps those executed to live until he attains the loss, was the guest Iqri, and appointed by the chaos descended

God has saved under his auspices, has not seen holidays celebrations shirk idols and did not eat than slaughter on the memorial or the people of Girallh it, and it does not bear to hear the Alliance Ballat and Uzza, as well as touching the idols and closer to it, and was far people about alcohol and Ndmaiha, nightclubs and witnesses and the hills and clubs

Described and shape (Peace be upon him)

Face and do

His face (peace be upon him) White Mileiha rounded Ozahrallon imbued as red, sparkling like the moon to full moon night, and if the secret had informed his face like a piece of the moon, and shine as Osarerh flashing clouds jubilant, as if the sun going on, but if I saw him I saw the sun Horoscope, The race in the face like a pearl, and wind our best race of musk Alozfr, and if anger Ahmrugeh like Vqe love pomegranate in the cheeks

It was easy cheeks (no emergence Baluzhntin), a broad forehead, curved eyebrows Sabghma with precision by the non-coupled, wide eyes, tinged red from Biadhma, with the strong dark Alhdqtin, Ohdb labia (which many felt with the length of the eyelids) Oekhal eyes and not Boekhal, He had brightened from antimony

Ogueny nose was surmounted by a light smell, full ears, good mouth and big, Ovlj Inettin, separate the teeth and the glitter, if the spoke out of the light within it, and the best people in gaps that might exist

It was a good beard Ktp, full of temple to temple, filled with sacrifice, very black, was in the temples and Anvqp (below the lower lip) is something of whiteness, only a few hairs

The head and the hair and neck

Was a huge important, a large head, long neck, like a silver jug, which has an abundance of semi-finished to the ears and ear lobes, and perhaps the bottom of this, and perhaps hit the shoulders, was in the hair is forever executed and also some white, and Etjauzmjmua in the head and beard of white twenty hair

He was in his hair Jaudp light (ie, twisting a few), and was Ergel his head and beard GABA (ie, combing his hair from the top down) and differentiates from the center of the head

Parties and Members

Capital was great bones, Kalmrfiqin, shoulders, knees and Aleddin Alosavl arms and welcomed the hands and feet, do not have soles, soft hands, they were softer than silk and Dibaj, and colder than ice, and best of the smell of musk, and light Alaaqbin and legs, long and broad shouldered, a broad chest, his chest bare of hair, but the center Alsdermn above the navel to the hair being Kalqdib, and not in the stomach and chest hair other, and I feel the arms and shoulders, in his armpits Afrah, while the silver alloy back as if the severity of whiteness and purity

Cod and the body

Cod was good, moderate short stature, not reluctant, not long irrevocable, but closer to the length, not Imachih one, was a moderate body, coherent body, not fat, we want to, in a tiny Nahla, but a branch between Gsnin, he see the three sight, The best in more accurately

Smell (Peace be upon him)

Was his body and his race and its members Viento best of perfume, musk, Anas (may Allah be pleased with him): (The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) flower color, his race, Pearl, if you walked Tikva, and touched the preamble to the calories in the palm of the Messenger of Allen of Allah (peace be upon him) and never smelled musk, and Nbra best, or anything of the smell of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)). Agreed. The Jabarbn Samra (may Allah be pleased with him): (that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not walk a Vibah one but knew he had followed, it is a good race, and was shaking hands with men remains unchanged day to find fragrance, and put his hand on the boy's head is defined among the boys Brihha, I had memorized the sound of race or in a bottle to make it in the fragrance, because the best from the good itself) Daarimi narrated in Sunan

Gait (Peace be upon him)

He (peace be upon him)) fast walking, not Badz not Eslan, it was not inflicted by one or matched in gait. Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him): (I never saw anyone faster gait than the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)), as if the earth bury him, I strive for ourselves and that of non-indifferent). Ahmad and Tirmidhi

And if his foot and Tie and Tie Bklha, have no soles, and if I turned all turned, and if I accept I accept all and, if gone all gone, and if the Qala, and if he goes like a degenerate from Sbb (ie descended from a high place), and was stepping and walking Tkvia God in humility and prayers be upon him

Voice and speech
Hoarseness in his voice was light, and the sweet logic and respectful, if silent gaze grouper, if gaze-Baha spoke, and uttered the Kkrzac Ithdrn staged, and he opened a speech and Echtmh Botrafh, and speak words of dismissal, not a curiosity or default, each character shows it, which was eloquence, eloquent, smooth bright printing words, not matched by Nobody, of whatsoever was eloquent and eloquent, and had Oti concise speech with wisdom and decisive speech

Profile of morals (Peace be upon him))

Was always easy creation of human beings, not thick and not Bfez Skhab in the market, and was Okthernas smiles, and further anger people, and fastest satisfaction, easier to choose things that is not a sin, if sin was far from the people, not revenge for the same cat, but was God take revenge, if violated, his mahram

And is the finest and the most honorable people and encourage them and Ojdahm and Osbarham to injury, Ooukarham, and most of shyness, and the most shameless of the bride in her seclusion, if you hate something known in the face, did not prove its consideration in the face of one, does not face anyone harmed

It was more just people, Oafhm, and believe them to tone, virtuous and tone, and the greatest of the Secretariat, the Secretary before the mission was called, was the most modest people, and furthest from old age, and kept people covenants, and transported them to the womb, and the greatest of compassion and mercy, and the best in ten, literature, and Obsthm created, and furthest for obscenity and obscene actions and curses, witnessing funerals, and sit with the poor and needy, and answered call them slaves do not rise above the mess and clothing, serving from service, nor admonishes his servant, did not even tell him never F

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: (The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) not long in quite some irrevocable, not white nor Alomehg Balodm, not Paljad Basbt cats and, at the head of mission of God forty years, the evening came three years and the city ten years, passed away at the head of sixty-three years, and not in his head and beard twenty white hair) agreed

In the Bible: Masturbate and said: "(we find written: Abdi Mohammed Messenger of God chosen, not rude and thick, not Skhab markets, and reward the" bad bad, but forgive his brother, his birth in Mecca, and emigrated at Thebes (the city), and the king of the Levant, and his nation Alhamadon thank God in good times and bad, thank God in every home, every Ekprouna honor, the sponsors of the sun, praying the prayer if the time came, Itozron to redress, and doing the wudu on the limbs, Mnadem in the atmosphere of heaven, described in the fighting, described both in prayer, them at night like the boom of loud bees) Daarimi narrated in al-Sunan and Baghawi in explaining the Year

** This and conversations in the description and the biography and the creation of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but I outlined the many fearing lengthy, so read this research from all age groups of Muslims to acquaint themselves with Habibhm closely, and ask God to benefit us as we read our books and including, and to make it in our balance day we meet, for He is Able to do that, and prayed God to bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and his wives and his subordinates to Charitably on religion

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

jamil lafi / Abu Muhannad Thursday / 6/8/2009
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
زكريا ابو صبيح
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق



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