موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008

أخبار .. بحث.. سياسة .. آدب .. ثقافة عامة .. حرية رأي .
الرئيسيةبوابة فلسطينالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول
من حروف أسم الدوايمة يتكون وطني الدوايمة(د .. دم)(و..وطني)( أ .. أوثقه)(ي.. يأبى)(م .. مسح )(هـ .. هويته) (دم وطني أوثقه يأبى مسح هويته)...نضال هدب

أن نسي العالم مجزرة الدوايمة أو تناسىى فان طور الزاغ الكنعاني سيظل شاهداً أميناً على المجزرةالمتواجدون الآن ؟
المواضيع الأخيرة
» رحلة الإنسان من بداية خلقه وتكوينه وحتى دخوله الجنة أو النار .
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» كفارة الغيبة والنميمة .
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» حُكم الغناء والموسيقى والمعازف .
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» رباه إنا طامعين بجنة - الشاعر : عطا سليمان رموني
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» مشروع وثيقــــة شـــرف عشائر الدوايمة”
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» حرمة الإحتفال بعيد الأم المزعوم
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» القناعة للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني
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» عن حقي ابد ما احيد للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني
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» بابي لعبدي مشرع للشاعر عطا سليمان رموني
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» الذكرى الـ97 لوعد بلفور المشؤوم
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»  نائب رئيس الكنيست الإسرائيلي موشيه فيغلن اقتحم الحرم القدسي
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» يووم سقوط الدوايمة
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» حذاري ان تعبثوا بالوطن
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» اعلان وفاة زوجة الحاج عبد الحميد ياسين هديب وحفيدة ابن رامي عبد الحميد
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» جرح مجزرة الدوايمة يأبى الإلتئام بقلم نضال هديب
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» الدوايمة / كتاب توراة الملك ........ دليل لقتل الفلسطينيين
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» غداً السبت الموافق 27ايلول 2014 تحتفل بالعام السادس لتاسيس منتدى الدوايمة
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» أحاديث لا تصح في الأضحية وفي المسح على رأس اليتيم
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» فضائل صوم ست من شوال
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» قرر الرئيس محمود عباس تشكيل الوفد الفلسطيني الى القاهرة كما يلي :-
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» بان كي مون يطالب بـ "الافراج فورا" عن الجندي الاسرائيلي الاسير
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» لقناة البريطانية العاشرة الجندي الاسراييلي الاسير بريطاني الجنسية
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» الاسير هدار غولدين ابن عم وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي
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» اسر الجندي الصهيوني الملازم الثاني هدار غولدين
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» في ذكرى رحيل أمي
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» ينعى موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني بشديد الحزن والاسى الجامعه العربية
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» تضامنا مع غزة شبكة منتديات الدوايمة تدعوا اقتصار مظاهر العيد على الشعائر الدينية
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 Al-Dawaymeh massacre : narrates of eyewitnesses

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
زكريا ابو صبيح
مشرف سابق
مشرف سابق

Al-Dawaymeh massacre : narrates of eyewitnesses Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Al-Dawaymeh massacre : narrates of eyewitnesses   Al-Dawaymeh massacre : narrates of eyewitnesses Emptyالثلاثاء أكتوبر 20, 2009 4:09 am

Arabic version posted by :

Nidal Hudaib

On the 60th
remembrance of Al-Dawaymeh massacre

Al-Ghad newspaper 29/10/2008

naturally the
Jewish immigration to Palestine were to be rejected by the Palestinians, who
started to fight the implantation of the Zionist entity into their country,
Al-dawaymeh like other Palestine villages were in the middle of this dilemma.
Al-dawaymeh situated 24 km west Hebrew, more than 50 km east the Mediterranean, surrounded from north by Beit Jibrien
village, and from south by Dora, east by Ednah, and from west by Al-Qibyah and
Arab Al-Jbarat

Al-Dawaymeh consists of more than 60,000
donms (6000 hectares), with 4000 population on 1945, according to British statistics;
it is situated 500 meters above the sea level forming a natural extension to
Hebrew mountains, starting a gradual decline from east to west, joining the
Palestinian valleys to form an outstanding landscape.

many of
Rumanian ruins were in this village," Khirab" as the villagers called
it, which is Rumanian in origin, as they were calling the ruins of demolished
historical areas areas.

Al-Rusum , smaller than Al-Khirab, which contain ruins of old buildings, in
addition to that the village contains tow historical hills Khiraqa hill, and
Al-Aqraa hill.

the villagers
were, as all other Palestinians , a part of the Palestinians revolution from
the very beginning, even though it was accompanied with the violence, quell,
and arbitrary from the British side against the Palestinians, and they bear the
heat of British wages, which usually end up with beats, and insults to the
villagers, and looting of their precious belongings, and they were exposed to
being killed injured, or arrested by the British forces.

the villagers
participated in Kfar Asioun battle with Jordanian forces under "Hikmat
Meihyar" command, in addition to other battles as Tall Al-Reish, Jaloun,
and Al-Miqhaz.

battle one of the most intense battles that took place at the Al-Dawaymeh
frontiers, which last for ten days, it was intensified at the first few days at
Sail Al-Miqhaza battle, were it unveiled on the retreat of the Zionist forces,
the area left to the Egyptian forces who, surprisingly, retreated, and the
Zionist gangs seized it once again

the Egyptian
retreat from Al-Miqaza to Eiraq Al-Manseih, uncover the west side of the
village, which hugely increase the strain on the lightly armed villagers in
comparison with the well armored enemy, so they went back to defend the

it was a hard
days on the village with the intensifying Zionist bombardment on the Egyptian forces, in Beit Jbirein
and Al-Qubyah, where the inevitable tumble of the village started to be vivid
in their eyes specially with the surrender of the surrounding villages, and
their efforts to attain support from the Arabic forces were useless, the hope
of rescuing the village faded away.

on 29/10/1948
after Al-Jumaa mass prayer, the troops of unit 89, started their attack, the tanks were armed
with machine guns and canons, the barricades built by the villagers were unable
to curb the troops' progress, some of them seek refuge in the Al-masjid, others
in caves, while some flee to Dora the neighboring village to the east.

the villagers
bay their blood to the heroic defense, and at the end of that day blood was
shed all over the village, some of eyewitnesses narrate that 50 martyr killed
in Al-masjid, the horrific massacre committed
in Tour Al-zagh, where women, children and old people slain in cold blood by
the Zionist gangs.

in his book
" Al-dawaymeh village", the writer Mousa Abdulsalam Hudaib, reported
the testify of Khalil Mahmoud Hudaib, who was 10 years of age at that time, he
described how the troops were jumping from their troops and their barbaric
breaking into the Al-Masjid, and their hysterical laughs while the dyeing
people were saying their last prayers.

in relation
to Tour Al-zagh massacre the writer also reported the testify of Rahma Ahmad
Musleh from Qybiah village, who miraculously survived the massacre, she said,
" the women embraced their kids with awe, and to save their lives one of
the men tied his white headcover and showed it to the troops, but the gangsters
led them toward one of the nearby wells, they were ordered by their commander
to start their machine guns.

" they
killed every moving object" she added.

the wounded
witness Mohammad Ismail Al-qaysseih, narrate his side of the story with a tremendous
grieve, he was holding his brother and sister arms, while they were lining up
by the troopers, his father , mother , and grandmother were also amongst the
others, when the troopers started the shooting he was injured and pretended to
be dead, till they went away, he found all his family members dead, along with
all unfortunate people who happened to be in Tour Al-zagh that day.

for more than
36 years this massacre remained unveiled, until it was disclosed by "
Hadashut" Zionist newspaper, the reporter met Hasan Mahmoud Hudaib, one of
Al-dawaymeh inhabitants, who unveil the details of the massacre, the newspaper
also enlisted the testimony of the group" A" leader in unit 89, in
addition to Jacob Aharony, the explosive incharge at unit 89, and others. Despite the controversy in relation to the
number of the martyrs, none of them denied its occurrence, including the Zionist historians like Melishteen, and
Maeer Peil military historian. some of the witnesses say it more than 500,
while the Zionist side say it may reached 80


today while
we are remembering this calamity, lived by those people in Al-dawaymaeh, where
its responsibility is held totally by the Zionists' leader, we also remembering
other massacres that were deliberately committed inside and outside Palestine, and the series
of crimes still committed against the Palestinians, and those who survive
massacres, can not survive arrest and/or siege.

is not yet ready to revenge or at least bring the justice back to the
Palestinians, who were quelled from his land and dispersed allover the world,
as they are not forming an urge in the Zionist' or Americans till now, but
surely the day will come when the Palestinians will regain their justice, and
the criminals will be judged , as crimes against humanity are not


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Al-Dawaymeh massacre : narrates of eyewitnesses
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Al-Dawaymeh Massacre
» eyewitness on the ordeal narrates side of the story (village surrender

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
موقع منتدى الدوايمة الاكتروني al-Dawayima تأسس 27 سبتمبر 2008  :: خيمة الترجمة foro del problema de Palestina :: منتدى -( الترجمة واللغات الاجنبية )Crímenes de los sionistas israelies contra los palestinos-
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